#TeamLiLE brings together a team of teachers and teacher educators committed to exploring literacies research and practice in their own classrooms. So far, #TeamLiLE members include:
Meet the groundbreaking researchers who make part of #TeamLiLE:
- Master's students (both from ML2 or graduates from the BA program) pursuing their research on literacies.
- MA graduates who wish to continue as LSLP researchers after graduation.
- LSLP researchers pursuing their doctoral degrees.
Meet the groundbreaking researchers who make part of #TeamLiLE:
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Jhon Eduardo Mosquera Pérez is a full time English teacher educator at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC). He holds an B.A and an M.A in English Language Teaching from Universidad Surcolombiana and an M.A in Learning and Teaching Processes in Second Languages from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. As a scholar, Jhon has participated in various ELT specialized academic events, and has equally published articles revolving around applied linguistics and English language education in national and international journals. Research Besides LSLP, Jhon belongs to the groups “Aprenap” and “Comuniquemonos” (Universidad Surcolombiana) and “Corporación si mañana despierto” (UPTC). As a member of these communities, he addresses research in relation to critical literacy, English as a Lingua Franca and Global Englishes, and English teachers’ education and professional development. |
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Ana holds an M.A. in Learning and Teaching Processes in Second Languages and a B.A. in English-Spanish Education, both from UPB. Ana is at present a Middle school teacher in I.E.R LLanos de Cuivá, a rural Public school in Yarumal, Antioquia,and joined LSLP in 2023 (as one of Moni's grad students). Research Ana's research focuses on culturally relevant literacies in English education. Ana wants to explore English teaching instruction in public rural schools through Culturally Relevant Practices, an area that keeps blossoming within #TeamLiLE. |
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Jackeline holds an M.A. in Learning and Teaching Processes in Second Languages from UPB and a B.A. in English Teaching from Universidad Luis Amigó. She joined LSLP at the end of 2020. Currently, she is an English instructor at Pascual Bravo University Institution, where she leads the School of Languages on various initiatives related to language education and intercultural encounters. Research Her research intersects critical literacy, digital storytelling, and language policies. |
Alejandro recently finished his MA in Learning and Teaching Processes in Second Languages from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. He also holds a BA in English and bilingualism from Fundación Universitaria Compensar. He has had experience as a researcher in a research group called "EFL Didactics" at Fundación Universitaria Compensar whose main research field was the development of non-authentic contextualized digital materials for the decolonization of the teaching of English as a foreign language in Colombia. On the one hand, he has published a research chapter as a co-author and essays in academic journals. On the other hand, his field of research during his master's studies was the exploration of the different ways in which English teachers have incorporated critical literacy within their classrooms in Colombian schools. He is currently a full-time lecturer at Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior (CUN) in Bogotá. He joined the LSLP research group in June 2024. Research Alejandro's field of research focuses primarily on exploring the various ways in which critical literacy can be implemented throughout language classrooms (especially English) in Colombia. Additionally, another active area of research within his academic profile is the development of contextualized digital teaching materials for the decolonization of language teaching practices in Colombia (especially in English teaching). Within his area of research interest within the LSLP group is the exploration of translanguaging and critical literacy for an equitable bilingualism within the diverse multicultural and pluriethnic Colombian context. |
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